Balancing Chakras
The Sanskrit word chakra is translated to “spinning wheel” in the English language and is often referred to the subtle energy vortex within the human body. These bundles of wavering energy correspond to seven specific areas that ebb and flow from head to toe. The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC. But where specifically? The Vedras. The Vedras is the earliest written record of chakras in ancient Indian text where it defines yoga philosophy.
Yogic tradition believes that it is necessary for these chakras to stay aligned and open to reach peak mind and body unison and well-being. It is important to maintain and balance all seven chakras through yoga sequences and positions as this promotes a constant energy flow. Therefore, if or when a chakra is “blocked” energy can stagnate and cause physical and mental distress. Yoga sequences aid in shifting energy between chakras that can bring balance in the mind, body, and spirit.
Below is a list containing the names and location of the seven chakras:
Muladhara or Root Chakra: Located at the bottom of the spine and influences basic urges such as food, sleep, and self-preservation.
Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra: Located at the pelvis and influences emotional and desirable regulation.
Manipura or Navel Chakra: Located just below the naval. Aids in digestion and ability to process experiences.
Anahata or Heart Chakra: Located at the heart and it helps individuals connect with everlasting love.
Vishuddha or Throat Chakra: Located at the pit of the throat as it encompasses authenticity and personal expression.
Ajna or Third Eye Chakra: Located between the eyebrows. Known as the place filled with inner knowledge and consciousness.
Sahasrara or Crown Chakra: Located on the top of the head and encourages an enlightened approach to the world.