Benefits of Yoga for ADHD
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, is a very common neurodevelopment condition in which individuals are challenged with attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and possible impulsiveness. The circumstances differ from case to case. For some individuals with ADHD, it can be hard to focus and relax due to the inability to shut down the brain’s central executive network. There are various treatments to regulate and comfortably live with ADHD which can range from talk therapy to prescription medications and even exercising.
Although exercise, such as yoga, should be used alongside other methods to combat ADHD, it has proven to be extremely beneficial to manage ADHD symptoms. Yoga is a mind and body practice that builds mental and physical strength, balance and flexibility through various breathing exercises, movement sequences and meditation. The habitual practice helps create an energy that is positive and motivating for those who correctly indulge and have an open mind during the whole process.
Individuals diagnosed with ADHD often find integrating and starting something new in their daily routine incredibly overwhelming. Yoga practices allow for the mind to be comfortability still, which benefits to those who experience ADHD symptoms and individuals with overactive minds.
Beginner yoga poses that improve ADHD symptoms include the Cobra Pose variation, Tree Pose and the Cat-Cow Pose. The Cobra Pose Variation starts with the participants laying down on their stomach with their palms planted in front of the chest in line with the shoulder. Slowly push up until your stomach is off the ground and maintain a long neck while keeping the shoulders back. Inhale and Exhale. Lower back down and repeat the exercise! Along with the tree and cat-cow pose, these sequences increase one’s focus on breathing, stretching and letting go of any tension held within the body.
The micro-practices on YOGA365 can be beneficial and require limited time and effort, and are proven to increase focus. Small tweaks lead to big changes.